Below is a list of questions parents frequently ask. Please look for the answers to your questions below.
Through the generosity of alumnae, benefactors and friends of Cathedral, we are able to provide a limited number of financial aid packages to our students. The aid is based on family’s need and when granted, is limited and is not intended to be a primary source of tuition.
To report a student's absence, the parent/guardian of an absent student is asked to call the school at (212) 688-1545 ext. 8600 by 9:00 a.m. to report the reason for the absence.
If a phone call is not received, the school will call the student’s home to verify the absence. On returning to school after being absent, the student must present a written explanation to her homeroom teacher. The student’s name, grade, dates of absence and reasons for absence with the parent’s/legal guardian’s signature and phone number must be included in the note.
After an absence of three consecutive days, a doctor’s note is required.
*A senior may have an excused absence for a college visit if she brings a note from her parent/guardian giving permission to miss school and indicating the name of the college and the date and time of the appointment. This note must be signed by the parent/guardian, a Cathedral High School guidance counselor, and brought to the Assistant Principal for Student Life on the day preceding the interview.Guidance classes begin in the Fall of Junior year and continue throughout the year. These classes focus on the college application process, including:
In January we will open up a common application and begin to fill it out together. We will also discuss the common application essay. By May, the students should have completed their common application and their essay and should be ready to apply to college in the Fall.
All information discussed and guides are listed on the Google Guidance Classroom. All students in the 11th grade have access.