Thank you for considering a monthly gift to Cathedral! Please click the button below and select monthly on this form to place your monthly gift! Your ongoing support helps us provide for Cathedral students all year round.
Q: Once I’ve made my monthly commitment, can I make changes or updates to my gift?
A: Simply call (212) 688-1545 ext. 8634. If we receive your change prior to that month’s processing deadline, we will make the change effective for that month. If not, the change will take effect the following month.
Q: If I need to stop giving, am I able to stop?
A: Yes, of course. Simply call (212) 688-1545 ext. 8634. Your cancellation will take place that month or the following month, depending on when you place your call.
Q: Will I receive an acknowledgement of my donations for tax purposes?
A: Yes, all donors receive an acknowledgement letter for their contributions.
Q: When will my credit card first be charged?
A: Monthly charges occur once per month. Your first online gift will be charged to your card on the date that your transaction is made. All subsequent charges will occur around the 1st of each month.