On February 28, Cathedral High School American Sign Language (ASL) students put on a show for the student body. 43 talented ASL students took the stage to showcase their interpreting skills. The concert highlighted the unique grammar and syntax of ASL, emphasizing the importance of conceptual accuracy in interpreting from English to ASL.
There are 126 Cathedral students actively engaged in learning American Sign Language. Mrs. Payne, CHS’s ASL teacher, was thrilled to share in the success of this year’s annual American Sign Language concert, which was a celebration of language and culture honoring the human dignity of all.
Mrs. Payne explained that through a dedicated unit on interpreting styles and signing techniques, her students delve into the nuances of ASL and come to understand its distinct features, especially the significance of facial expressions in conveying meaning.
Beyond language proficiency, Cathedral High School ASL students also explore the richness of the Deaf community and its culture. By interpreting love songs for Valentine's Day, students honed their skills and spread awareness about the importance of making music and communication accessible to all.
Through hands-on learning experiences like the ASL concert, Cathedral High School’s ASL program endeavors to create a sense of community that celebrates and embraces all individuals.