The Sophomore Retreat was filled with opportunities for bonding as a class and growing deeper in faith this Advent. The theme of the retreat was the question Who are you waiting for? as a chance to slow down a bit and prepare to welcome the Baby Jesus in our hearts.
After leading students in singing “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” with the Advent wreath lit, Ms. Elizabeth Hughes, the Director of Enliven, explained to the students that during Advent, Scripture focuses on God’s promise to send a Savior to deliver us from sin and death. It is a time to take life a little more slowly and focus on what we need to do to allow God to more fully enter our hearts. This is a challenge in our culture, with all of the shopping, concerts, and parties that people attend during this time.
Next, Coach Courtney Taylor, Director of Athletics, led a small group Bible study. She encouraged students to reflect on the acronym of J.O.Y. — Jesus, Others, You — as a path towards personal fulfillment in our lives. By serving and loving first Jesus, then those He has placed in our lives, we will discover the true way towards happiness.
After diving into prayer time in Our Lady of Good Counsel, students enjoyed hot chocolate and conversation! Finally, Ms. Hughes led a concluding Advent reflection in which students considered how they can be lights to other people. In response, they journaled their answers to the following questions: What gifts do I have that I can give to others? How can I give of myself to serve God and others?
Thank you, Coach Courtney Taylor, Ms. Priscilla Rivas, Ms. Anastasia Pouliot, Ms. Cynthia Partee, and especially Ms. Hughes for dedicating your time and prayer to these sophomore Cathedralites!